Youth Forms
Forms that are required to be completed include a physical evaluation form, release of liability form waiver, emergency information and medical release form. These should be all of the waivers needed for fall and a handful from the spring. Links to these forms are listed below.
Deadline for waivers from returning high school rowers: Aug. 30th.
Deadline for waviers from returning middle school rowers: Sept. 21st
Deadline for waiver from new rowers: 2 weeks after their start date..ASAP
Waivers for Returning Rowers:
- General Waiver
- Behavior Policy (High School & Middle School Rowers)
- Sports Physical Form (High School & Middle School, all rowers)
- NOARA Online Waiver (Our team name “Gainesville Area Rowing”)
- Consent and Release from Liability Certificate for Concussion and Heat-Related Illness
- Driving Permission
- Swim Test
***Please complete the GAR registration under the “members” tab! Thank you!
Waivers for New Rowers:
- NOARA Online Waiver (Our team name “Gainesville Area Rowing”)
- General Waiver
- Behavior Policy (High School & Middle School Rowers)
- Sports Physical Form (High School & Middle School, all rowers)
- USRowing Online Waiver It will ask you for an athlete code. Our athlete code is: VQEUR
- Consent and Release from Liability Certificate for Concussion and Heat-Related Illness
- Driving Permission
- Swim Test
***Please complete the GAR registration under the “Members – Youth” tab! Thank you!